giovedì 15 settembre 2011

What Is Personal Mastery?

Personal mastery is about approaching life from a different perspective. Sometimes people would refer to it as a journey towards continuous improvement. Personal mastery is guided with key principles like vision, personal purpose, creative tension, commitment to truth and understanding the subconscious mind.

One of the most important fundamental aspects of personal mastery is personal vision. Personal mastery when combined personal vision can create a framework or guiding philosophy on how you can operate and live your life. Some people would say that personal vision serves as a guide that would keep you on track.

Followers of personal mastery see that there are great opportunities to improve their growth. Followers recognize that there are many avenues for growth and opportunities like books, tapes, lectures and school courses. People also benefit from organizations
in their quest for personal mastery.

Personal mastery is about loving yourself and expressing your gifts to its fullest. Some would think that personal mastery is controlling and limiting one self, but actually it is about understanding your personality. To control or overcome some habits, it would be important to identify how ad why those habits arise. The more you suppress things, the more you would have difficulty in conquering and overcoming it.

Personal mastery is self-discipline. It is about taking responsibility for the direction that your life is going to take. You would slowly realize that you can do anything with the aide of your skills and talents. Discipline would clarify and deepen your perspective in life. Those who quest for personal mastery would develop patience and see life objectively.

Personal mastery can actually help you become successful in life. You can say that you have developed personal mastery if you are starting to fully understand your strengths, talents and your purpose in life. Personal mastery enables you to be inspired, energized and happy with your life. You start to show a sense of commitment in changing on how people perceive life and the world. The ultimate thing about personal mastery is that you would always feel that you are guided and supported by God.

It is also important for a person who is in quest for personal mastery to develop integrity, humility, justice and industry. Actually, these are “rules” on how we could conduct ourselves professional, socially and spiritually.

Peter Senge said that attaining personal mastery has no shortcuts or no “quick fixes.” Sometimes it would take a lifetime for personal mastery to be attained. Personal mastery detaches a person from self-interest or selfishness and encourage people towards providing care and service to other people. Also individuals who follow personal mastery see the connections in their surroundings and perceived everything as a whole.

Proactive behaviour is also something that personal mastery helps you to develop. Reactive behaviour like thinking beforehand hand that you cannot do things is dealt with when developing personal mastery. Actions and service that you provide are based on how you can creatively maximize your skills.

To summarize it, personal mastery guides you to develop being aware with your beliefs, attitudes and behaviour impacts. It also enables you to accept yourself and be responsible with your own action, attitude, and thought.

Experts would say that personal mastery could be truly gained by living purposefully and by living with integrity. Living purposefully would include showing talents, gifts and strengths to achieve goals and be successful. Living with integrity is by integrating your ideals, standards and behaviour.

lunedì 12 settembre 2011

Tips to overcome the fear of public speaking

Almost everyone has that sense of fear with public speaking and what better way to address it than to know several tips to overcome the fear of public speaking.

It is not a surprise to know that the fear of public speaking is a common problem that hounds a lot of people all over the world and many are not aware about how they may easily get through with such fears and lay it all to rest.

Here are some common tips that one can apply and to help overcome the fear of public speaking.

If you come prepared to speak before a group, make it a point to always come prepared.

Some good points in ensuring that you are prepared is to establish the topics you will be discussing what particular points you want to drive to your audience and ideas you want to sell to the listeners.

Coming prepared to a talk or a speech helps boost self –confidence and establishes your mastery of the things you want to discuss and share.

Make it a point to practice at least twice or thrice before going through the process of delivering your speech.

Not only do you get to master your discussion, but this also lessens the burden of committing mistakes.

Another positive note to practice is that during the practice sessions, you get to iron out kinks that may occur along the way or make some necessary modifications or revisions to what you hope to work on.

Prepare a mental outline of the things you want to discuss or say, this will arm you with the idea and the things you want to say and reduce your fear of speaking before your audience.

Try to reduce your fears through positive mental attitude.

You should always consider that nobody is perfect and this is one of the most important facts that would arm us in overcoming your fear of the stage or speaking before a crowd or a group of people.

Keeping and sustaining a positive mental attitude will help you through the negative energy that causes you to be anxious or fearful of the situation that you are in.

Relax and do not dwell on unrealistic fears, especially those you may think can happen, but also has the tendency of not happening.

Frankly, no one can control what can or may happen in the next hour, or day or month, however, disregarding that fear of the uncertainty can indeed help a lot in diminishing, or better yet, totally eliminating the fear that you may have of public speaking.

Even when you are not about to speak publicly or are just going through your daily routine, try to keep in mind to practice every once in a while.

It may be with an officemate, a group discussion, a conference or convention, a staff meeting, always grab the opportunity to try and make yourself be heard or interact with those around you.

This is one good way of conditioning yourself in the art of communicating and public speaking, which will pave the way for how you can master the art of conversation and communication.

Although there are varying degrees as to how effective these methods are, but truth be told, these common tips are very effective tips to overcome the fear of public speaking.

giovedì 8 settembre 2011

Who are you? A Spiritual Awakening

Who are you? A spiritual awakening now will help you answer that question. We have asked that same query repeatedly in the course of our lives, often having answers that dwell on the basic and the more obvious. Who are you? I am an employee, a clerk in the bank, a teacher, an engineer, a scientist or a businessman. But that question is a loaded one and requires an answer beyond what we do in our lives. It can be approached as a philosophical question where the answer would require looking more closely and deeply into one’s self.

To achieve an awakening, one might have to go into deep meditation. Others might suggest a different approach though. It is still meditation but more of an involved observation. Observing closely the inner workings of your mind would be a different approach but can be as effective as meditation. Being a third party observer to your thoughts could be a good exercise of separating yourself from your own thoughts which can lead to discerning who you really are. You might find this concept a little different or even outwardly weird. But still there’s no harm in trying though since you’re in the process of knowing yourself, giving different means or techniques a shot is not that bad.

Techniques may vary but what is important is that you are meditating on what is happening on the now. The realization will not come if you keep thinking of the past or paying too much attention to the future. Thinking, meditating and concentrating on your thoughts at this very minute or second would be the right way to go. You don’t think about past exploits, former employments, the days during those college years, and all that stuff during meditation. You think of the present, you think why you exist right now. You observe what you are at that moment and enlightenment might come quickly to some or might take some time to others. You might need more patience and keep trying to get something out of the exercise.

Others, however, would insist on leaving everything as they come and dealing with them as they enter your consciousness. All those things are part of your existence. Resisting them is like resisting part of yourself. These things are happening now and not paying much attention to them does not really help. This is why other people insist on not blocking those emotions. Living in the moment means not trying to change.

The thing is it to continue feeling peaceful. Remember the moment and keep coming back to that moment. That will be your base for your meditation. Always remember to leave everything behind and always pay attention to the moment. I may have said this over and over again but the fact of the matter is you need to always pay attention to the moment. If you suddenly found yourself drifting from your meditation, go back to that moment where you are at peace. Just be there at that moment and do not worry if you’re doing everything right or wrong.

So we go back to that question of who are you? A spiritual awakening is indeed the answer but it might not come instantly to others while it comes immediately to others. You just need to be patient if you belong to the group that enlightenment does not come easily.

lunedì 5 settembre 2011

Why You should Stop Smoking: Dangers to Women’s Health

You must have heard that cigarette smoking is definitely not good for health. This does not make any distinctions in its ill effects; it is dangerous both to women’s and men’s health. However, you should know that smoking may have more harmful effects on a woman’s health than on a man. A woman is capable of bearing a child in her womb. Because of this she is considered as an icon for nurturing; however, if with unhealthy habits, a woman may also unknowingly inflict damage to the child in her womb. Therefore, if smoking should be stopped by any gender in particular, then there is a greater need for women to stop smoking.

A woman may be inflicted with several illnesses if she becomes addicted to nicotine. If she is unable to live a healthy lifestyle, and if she is unable to eliminate smoking from her daily routine, she may end up having vaginal bleeding, heart attacks, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Studies even show that women who smoke are more prone to having lung cancer as compared to those who do not smoke.

Furthermore, when females become addicted to nicotine, it is more difficult for them to eliminate such substance from their system as opposed to males. Because of this, they have to put on extra effort just to prevent themselves from being addicted; but if they are already dependent on the substance, they should ask for help and supplements designed to release them from such addiction.

Perhaps you are wondering how to get out of such addiction. If this is the case, then you should know that your first step to a non-smoking life is to know all the possible effects that may harm you. In doing so, you would have a better understanding of the consequences of your acts and thus, it will be easier for you to avoid such path again. Maybe, you would realize that you do not need to be around people who smoke because you may be influenced to smoke again; or you may refrain from going to shops that sell cigarettes. As long as you have baby steps to get out from your habit, then you are on the right track.

If these acts are not helpful enough, you may also ask your doctor for assistance. Several drugs may be prescribed to you to help you with the addiction, some of them may be found online and some are just within your neighborhood pharmacies. Just make sure that you have consulted your doctor before buying these medicines and that the medicines that you would take are FDA approved. This is to certify that these drugs will not worsen your condition and that they are really designed to help you with your nicotine problem.

Cigarette smoking should definitely be avoided for your own health. If you are a woman, you should have realized by now that you have more things to take into consideration than men who smoke. You are a woman, and you should be the life-giver. You cannot give a life that is not healthy, thus you should keep yourself healthy as well. Thus, since smoking is not healthy, you should not smoke; but if you already are, you may want to consider to stop smoking.

venerdì 2 settembre 2011

The Real America

Perhaps one of the most diverse areas of the United States is the region containing Idaho, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.

This surely must offer the widest range of parks, rodeos, adventure holidays, skiing holidays and river rafting adventures etc. There is more to see, do and get involved in, than possibly any other part of the US.

Mount Rushmore is situated here – imagine how many people must have seen this monument – along with the famous Little Big Horn battle ground.

Its not all camping trips and trekking here though. Five star resorts with gourmet meals and fine wine abound and cater for the discerning palates amongst us. Did you know that there is a falls higher than the more famous Niagara Falls? Or a canyon deeper than the Grand Canyon? Surprisingly both can be found here.

There is a lot for children to do too. Imagine teaching them how to light and cook over open camp-fires. Teaching them to fish for their supper! Hiking up trails instead of sitting in front of the T.V. – a somewhat ‘old-fashioned’ way of reconnecting as a family.

There is much on offer here and it would seem to give the traveler something a little different. The chance to be at one with nature and see the natural wonders of the world.

So if it’s wide open spaces with big skies that you are looking for – this is the place. But be warned, once you have experienced this magnificent place, you may not want to leave!

martedì 30 agosto 2011

Prescription Sunglasses

No longer to prescription eye glass wearers need to worry
on those sunny days when your regular lenses just don’t
help. Or maybe you wear contacts and they are just
bothering you too much to keep them in while you lay out at
the beach enjoying the sun, sand and surf.

Now you can get prescription sunglasses in almost any style
and for almost any prescription.

From Gucci to Pravda, almost every fashion designer that
has a line of regular prescription eyeglasses also has
available fashionable sunglasses for the public.

Now you don’t need to worry about searching for those tacky
clip-on shades for your sunglasses or dealing with contact
lenses when they bother your eyes.

Prescription sunglasses have become readily available at
your local optometrist’s office. Prescriptions range
anywhere from basic to high prescriptions, bifocals and
progressive lenses for the prebyoptic consumer.

There are even lines of children’s sunglasses for the kids
in your life who wear prescription lenses.

The styles of prescription sunglasses available are pretty
much the same as basic sunglasses. One exception is the
wrap around glasses.

Prescription lenses that curve typically distort vision,
but Oakley makes a wraparound style that does accept
prescription lenses. And lenses that hold a slightly curved
wrap are available.

For people who don’t want to bother with prescription
sunglasses, there are now lenses called photo chromatic

These are an amazing innovation, your regular lenses are
coated with a material that darkens in the sunlight and
return to normal when indoors.

sabato 27 agosto 2011

Trading Stocks Online – Setting Targets

When you set foot on any business venture, you need to define your targets. There should be a long-term target and short-term one. In fact, your whole trading schedule should revolve on it. This would, if not anything, give you a sense of direction.

If you have direction, then the way becomes clear and the target can be achieved by careful traveling. In stock terms, setting targets would be defining numbers or money.

You can set a long-term target of “n” number of stocks by the end of the year valued at “x” sum of money. Short-term targets should contribute towards the larger goal.

In this case scenario, if there is a bear and bull run you would know how much you should buy and how many to sell. Shortly put, you would know what you are doing and be rest assured that you are going through the right direction.

If 10 big stocks would fetch you the money that 100 stocks combined would give you then you can crunch the numbers, see if it tallies up with your target and make the decision.

Sometimes, a bulk investment may fetch you a handsome return. There is nothing wrong in going for it. But make sure that it is a calculated risk. If this is the one you are ready to roll your dice on, let there be supporting stocks that will hold you good even if you lose the roll of dice.

A bird’s eye view on the target always hits the bull’s eye!

mercoledì 24 agosto 2011

What You Need To Open Up A Bank Account

It doesn’t matter if you are doing business in the United States or you are coming over to live you want to open up your own bank account in the United States. There are several banks that offer bank accounts to non residents. If you are looking to open a bank account here are a few tips to save you time.

Your account can be opened and accessed by mail so you won’t have to drive down to the bank; you do not need bank references for these accounts, no
Documents notarized, no proof of your address needed, you do not need to give out your social security number, and you have access to extra benefits of owning your own bank account using a Visa check card and applying for a credit card. Some of these banks do charge a certain amount per year to be paid in full before continuing the account.

If you would like a local bank that will offer bank accounts in the United States for non residents you can do a search online or call around for more details. While most banks still do not offer this service yet, it may encourage them to start. Most banks that offer a bank account to non residents are found online and require signed paperwork to be mailed in as proof. This is to protect your safety and the reputation of the bank. If you have any questions you need to call the bank you are the most interested in.

domenica 21 agosto 2011

Your Wedding Reception Food

Something that people often remember when they go to a
wedding reception is the food, whether it’s good or
bad. Something to consider when you are choosing your
wedding menu is your guests.

Yes, it’s your wedding but you are spending a lot of
money so you want people to like what is being served.
Here are some tips so that people enjoy your reception

Give them a choice -

It’s always a good idea to offer your guests a choice
on what they would like to eat for your wedding
reception People may have food allergies, so this way
they can choose what they would like to eat. Two
choices is enough.

Keep it simple -

Just because it’s not something fancy, it doesn’t
meant hat it won’t be good. If they are faced with
something that they aren’t sure what it is, they may
be reluctant to eat it so don’t go for things that
people can’t identify.

Keep it clean -

Everyone at your wedding reception is going to be
wearing their best clothes. You want to stay away from
food that is very messy or could cause stains that
will be hard to remove.

Remember, you are going to be wearing a white dress.
The last thing you will want is to have something
spill on it that may ruin it, or will be very

Think about what you have had in the past at wedding
receptions, and what you liked or didn’t like about
them. That will help you plan your own wedding
reception menu.